Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The Reverend Al Sharpton Just Shouted for 20 Minutes Straight!

I just watched the Reverend Al Sharpton give one of the most ridiculous speeches in American history (if you don't include the one given by Steve Brozak just prior).  If I may paraphrase something the Reverend Al Sharpton yelled:  "If George Bush had been president in 1954 (when Brown v. Board was decided), Clarence Thomas probably would never have been allowed in law school."  Since when is George Bush a segregationist?  I'll make you a deal.   If any speaker during the Republican National Convention makes a statement that inflammatory (as judged by me), I will give you each $100!  Statements like the Reverend Al Sharpton's can't possibly help his party's case, can they?  It's not the Democratic agenda I find so objectionable as the lowlife tactics employed by its leadership.  If John Edwards is decent (and I think he might be), he'll come out and apologize to America for giving the Reverend Al Sharpton an opportunity to speak.

Is Joe Lieberman the same guy who played Senator Palpatine in Star Wars Episodes I and II?




Anonymous Anonymous said...

So far, my favorite moment of the DNC has been when Bill Clinton quoted scripture Monday night during his speech.

10:49 PM  

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