The Fabricated Adventures of a Certain Mister Larry Feathers
Hello and welcome to the place where you should like to want to come if you like reading about stuff that is usually lies. I'm Larry!
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Monday, July 12, 2004
THAT IS IT!!! You know Oma means Grandmother in German, so that might make customers more apt to take the vitamins she serves with the meal. I love it! Thanks for posting, Nikki
The fact that Oma means "grandmother" makes it even sadder that she went out of business!
In other sad news about that place, it used to be a Dunkin' Doughnuts. Then, suddenly, the nice old chain smoker who worked there, but who was nice, got held up and shot to death! Shortly after that, Grandmother took over.
I'm going to buy Pollo's Mexican Grill and Chicken for All, and as a tribute, I'm going to have one special day called Pollo's Mexican Grill and Chicken for Oma. That will be a fun day for Grandmother's to get some nice chicken priced especially for senior senoritas.
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