The Story Behind the Meatloaf
Here is a meatloaf closeup. The moisture to the right of the loaf is grease.
People who care are probably wondering what's the big deal with meatloaf. Well, it all started last fall when my friend Erik and I went to the big music festival at Zilker Park in Austin. One day as we took a break from rocking we decided to go downtown for some ice cream. Because we had been to the 1886 Cafe and Bakery at the Driskill the previous fall we knew that it couldn't be beat when it comes to ice cream refreshments. So we went back for more! Our waitress was Diana (pictured below). She was nice to us, and told us that if we were hungry that we should want to try the meatloaf. I think it was Erik (but it could've been me) that asked her what kind of a 20-something year old recommends meatloaf to people whose hair isn't silvery blue. So we all started laughing about meatloaf and old people.
To summarize the rest, we ended up not ordering meatloaf (I had never had it until I tried the meatloaf pictured here), I made an "I Luv Meatloaf" t-shirt for Diana complete with a picture of some really horrible looking meatloaf, and Diana is in the process of transferring the shirt's decal to a smaller shirt that will fit her self (she is going to have to buy a sewing kit for this).
So last Wednesday I went down to the 1886 Cafe and Bakery when suddenly appeared Diana, Vanessa (other waitress), Chef, person who stocks the pastry display case, and restaurant manager. They presented me with the small portion of meatloaf pictured here, and convinced me to try it. Do you see the green leaf coming out of the mashed potatoes? I asked if it was there to distract me from how gross the meatloaf was (this may have hurt the chef's feelings!) If I'm honest, I have to admit that it wasn't that bad. My gag reflex only initiated one time, but I'm convinced that that was more psychological than a reflection on the taste of the meatloaf. I can see why people would want to eat meatloaf, and I probably owe my Mom an apology for never trying hers. Diana told me, "Now you can do anything!". I hope she's right about that!
As my first act of trying do anything, I've begun negotiations with Diana and her boyfriend, a chef, to be my consultants as I launch my restaurant idea that is bound to be a smash hit - Pi. More on that later.
Anyway (and finally), the fact that all of those people were nice enough to me to make me try meatloaf was the reason I wrote to the Driskill GM (below). I hope that all of them get raises because they make not getting to be at home better.
P.S. In front of the Driskill are usually horse drawn carriages. Vanessa gave me some carrots from the kitchen so that I could feed horses Ebeneezer and Bobbie Jo. I'd never fed a horse. It was fun and now I want to get one (Doug) for Albert to play with.
That meatloaf looks nasty!
I like horses too! I rode them quite a bit when I was a little kid in OK.
Thank you.
I've been scrolling down the recent post list (abject boredom takes its toll) and finally found something worth reading. A fabricated adventure revolving around a hyperselfawareness of meatloaf!
Cheers to you, good Mr. Feathers.
Jeff, it's me Nikki. I hope that you will come out to visit me at work and make friends with many horses! Do you think I'm kidding?! They are all the most kind and loving therapy horses, and would be in heaven if you came with some carrotts in hand. Again, I hope you know I'm not kidding... seriously.
I saw the picture that you used for Diane's meatloaf t-shirt. That looked like some good meatloaf on that shirt.
All of this talk about meatloaf is making me very hungry. PS - Please post a picture of the "I Luv Meatloaf" shirt.
At one time I had a picture of the meatloaf t-shirt decal on my computer. I can't find it any place. Tomorrow I will look on my government computer.
Bean, if you want, I can try to make you a meatloaf t-shirt for your wedding (not to wear at the wedding necessarily, but as a gift). Let me know.
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