Kerry's Grand Coalition
After the election I promise this website will get back to nonsense, but now is the time for more serious matters.
Here is a trivia question. Which is the only country to be a U.S. ally in every war over the past 100 years? The answer is Australia.
During this so-called war against terrorism (which includes the war in Iraq), Australian President Howard's administration has been a major contributor to the American led coalition. President Howard was re-elected this weekend defeating his anti-war opponent. One of the anti-war candidate's primary campaigners was Diana Kerry. That is, John Kerry's sister. Here are a couple of quotes from Diana Kerry taken from "The Australian" during September of this year:
"Australia has kept faith with the US and we are endangering the Australians now by this wanton disregard for international law and multilateral channels," she said, referring to the invasion of Iraq.
"My belief is US citizens living overseas are very concerned about the current direction of the US, particularly in regard to international affairs," she claimed. "They are on the front lines of the decline of US respect and reputation; they hear it and feel it on a daily basis."
So there is John Kerry's sister running around undermining the candidacy of one of our staunchest allies and trying to get him replaced by someone unwilling to participate in an international coalition.
Do you really believe John Kerry is serious when he says that he will be better at coalition building? He calls the current coalition a coalition of the coerced and the bribed, sics his sister on the leader of one of the countries brave enough to participate, won't even acknowledge Poland's contribution to the cause, etc, etc, etc.
Today someone told me perhaps the most incredible thing I've ever heard. They said that no new knowledge they gain between now and the election could cause them to vote against John Kerry. Then they said that most Americans hold similar attitudes about the candidates they support. Think of the ramifications of that perspective! Scary.
We have lots of rights that many people have croaked to protect. They shouldn't be exercised wrecklessly.
P.S. I bought a new George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine Grill/Skillet! It is great on bacon and pancakes. You can get one for $59.99 at Linens n Things.
There was a 20% off coupon in Sunday's paper for Linen's and Things.
I liked your web-site better when you didn't talk about politics.
I liked it better back then too. The good news is that this election will be over in three weeks. Then we can leave all this political stuff behind us and get back to cheese, meat, and hair. Bear with me...
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