The Fabricated Adventures of a Certain Mister Larry Feathers
Hello and welcome to the place where you should like to want to come if you like reading about stuff that is usually lies. I'm Larry!
Previous Posts
- Hey! The Niagara Falls and the Sun teamed up to c...
- Larry and Dennis
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Chicago to Dallas (you should probably read "Buffa...
- Buffalo to Chicago
- Scatter-shooting
- Some Stuff my Dad's Done That I Think is Kind of F...
- Going Around in Garland with my Mom
- I took this picture at the Fort Worth Cats game la...
- Hi! This is Erik and Emily's dog. He's called Ch...
Friday, June 18, 2004
That sounds great! However, would it be possible to have Oleo insert into my veins rather than butter?
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